Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Hello everyone, please see this months Health Awareness newsletter.

Tynisa’s Health and Fitness 101

Hello and Welcome to all of the Diva Network and guests,

I come to you with all humbleness to ask what have you done this week for you? When we take care of ourselves it is then and only then that we can take care of others. Sadly this statement is not true for most of our African American sisters out trying to save the world on Monday and provide extra care the rest of the days of the week, putting
ourselves last on the list.

What can I do for myself one may ask that would make me feel better, have more
confidence, and provide that glow from the inside out? EXERCISE, EXERCISE, and
then EXERCISE some more. No matter what you do for a living we should set 30
minutes aside in the morning, afternoon or evening for a fun filled daily adventure.
Maybe you like to walk and observe nature around your local park, or maybe you like
the track better. How about bike riding, jogging, skating, tennis, golf, swimming or hiking? There are many fun things to do and receive both pleasure and physical fitness. As Ms. Eboney would say, “Work on your summer body”.

A word from our own Donna Richardson Joyner who says,
Hello Everyone,"I think you have to want to change more than you want to stay the same."

Learn more about Donna at her website:
And please check the video out below.

Shout Outs to Eboney and Tynisa for doing the 16 mile Underground Railroad bike ride on May 9, 2007. They had a beautiful ride, but I understand their seat on the bikes left a little to be desired, otherwise stated a hard ride. :)

The next opportunity for a good group exercise, is the Walk-a-thon in Winton Woods Park on Saturday June 9, 2007. This 5K walk/run is for HIV/Aids awareness, and alcoholism use and abuse in the Greater Cincinnati Area. There will be food, entertainment, and water provided.
For more information
(513) 542-9735 or email, please visit the website at