Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Do Blacks have Civil Rights in 2007?

An injustice anywhere is a threat to your Civil Rights and mine. How could this happen and only after one year is the media talking about it. Check the facts:

A 14-year-old black girl from tiny Paris, Texas, was sent to a youth prison for up to seven years for shoving a hall monitor at her high school!

The same judge sentenced a 14-year-old white girl to probation for burning down her family's house. Bigger offense, lighter sentence, lighter skin: the ingredients of injustice.

Since then Shaquanda Cotton has been released early after serving one year for pushing a hall monitor: see her blog at http://freeshaquandacotton.blogspot.com/

What can we do about future injustices as this? Do exactly what Shaquanda did, publicize what has opened for the whole wide web to see and hear about. This is activism in 2007, Internet can reach so many people above and beyond the person who does not read the paper. It crosses the racial divide, gender, and economical disparities. I implore everyone to learn about this tragic story and tell others about it.



Blogger Butta C.U.P. said...

You betta stand up and be counted!! ONE! You are right, My Dear TMAC. One injustice in one too many. You are doing great and wonderful things and I have always admired you for that. You are one person that has continually spoken her mind (and what a beautiful mind it is) about anything and everything! You have never been afraid to hold someone accountable for the ignorance that they spew forth (I can remember a speaker making a comment about flying on an airplane and you jumped his shit good in front of a group of teenagers, no less!)and will do it no matter who or what or where. I love ya, Darlin'. You are keepin' on, keepin on and fighting the good fight. You inspire me to be a better person.


6:53 PM  

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